If you are looking to provide the latest South African Labour Law training to your departmental head, managers, or HR managers, look no further. Bafuputsi will visit your office and provide you with the Labour Relations and Labour Law training you need to work effectively.

 Training We Offer:

 Management of discipline in the workplace

  • Investigating alleged Misconduct
  • Collecting/drafting witness statements
  • Formulating charges
  • Compiling a file of evidence
  • Witness preparation
  • Drafting the notice to attend the disciplinary inquiry
  • Drafting the notice of suspension
  • Arguments in aggravation
  • Drafting letters of termination
  • Drafting warning letters
  • Updating employees disciplinary records


  • Understanding the difference between procedural and substantive fairness in line with Schedule 8 of the Labour Relations Act
  • Understanding dismissal for misconduct.
  • Understanding dismissal for operational requirement
  • Understanding dismissal for poor performance
  • Understanding dismissal for ill-health
  • Understanding automatic unfair dismissal

 Dispute Resolutions

  • Understanding CCMA rules
  • What is conciliation
  • What is Arbitration
  • What is ConArb
  • What in an inquiry by the Arbitrator
  • Who may represent parties at CCMA
  • How to apply for Legal Representation at CCMA

Compliance with other Employment Laws

  • Compliance with Basic Conditions of Employment Act
  • Compliance with Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • Compliance with Employment Equity Act
  • Compliance with Skills Development Act & Skills Levies Act