When employment relationships collapse and CCMA becomes involved, it is imperative to seek appropriate legal advice on how to deal with the dispute. Bafuputsi will assist you in answering the following questions prior to CCMA arbitration.

  • What is the difference between substantive and procedural unfairness
  • What is the relevant information when arguing procedural unfairness?
  • What is the difference between dismissal for misconduct and dismissal for poor performance?
  • When and how to submit disputes to CCMA
  • What steps should the dismissed employee follow when disputing the fairness of the dismissal.
  • What is the difference between Conciliation and arbitration.
  • Who can represent parties at CCMA
  • How to apply for legal representation
  • Meaning of ConArb.

In certain cases, the CCMA will allow an employer to be represented by a legal professional. Where legal representation is declined, Bafuputsi Trading will walk you through every step of the CCMA process and will assist your representatives in adequately preparing for proper representation.  Contact us today and ensure you and your business venture does not suffer unduly during the CCMA Representation process.